Sunday, October 16, 2011

Time for an update!

Yes, I've been a major slacker on this blog...Sorry 'bout that ;) Okay, time for the updating to begin!

I'M ENGAGED :) :) :)

Yes, Miss-I'm never getting married, is getting married. I honestly never thought I would meet the man of my dreams in Vernal. I had pretty much given up on dating after my last 2 dating disasters in the Basin, but apparently when you give up is when you find what you're looking for.

Let's back up and explain for a second...

I had been dating a guy for a few months, but things didn't work out and we both realized we weren't the best for each other. A mutual friend said we were good together, but not great, and that's the truth. I'll never have anything bad to say about him and I'm grateful for the time we spent together...

So a week (yes, a week) after we broke up, X94 held our fights (we usually have about 3 or 4 a year). I was finally starting to feel better about life, but still didn't want a relationship. We usually have Vernal City Police patrol the grandstands just to keep everyone in check.
That's when I met Shaun :)

We probably only talked about 5 or 10 minutes that whole night, but I was pretty smitten. A couple days later he found me on Facebook, because no modern day love story would be complete without a Facebook factor. I was heartbroken to see he had a girlfriend because that was just my luck. Well, I'll admit I was that girl that started talking to a guy with a girlfriend and that was probably the best choice I ever made! He broke up with her a few days later.

We texted everyday for like a week, and then when I came back from a visit to see my brother in San Francisco, we went on our first date. And the rest is history :) He will never let me live down when he tried to kiss me the first time-I turned my head haha In my defense I wanted "romance" and the Subway parking lot did not seem romantic enough. So he waited for another week and then we kissed when we were walking around the lake :) See, much better story.

Now, onto the 'engagement story'...

Shaun and I were spending the weekend in Salt Lake to meet his mom and step dad, and on the way we stopped at Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon. I love love love waterfalls and have always wanted to hike up to the base. I looked online and it said the trail was steep and rocky, but it was only 15 minutes so it was manageable. So we start climbing up this steep, rocky part and, oh my hell, it was torture! We had Murphy with us and he kept sliding down, rocks were falling, we were gross and sweaty, and it was hot! Well, about 15 minutes into the hike we can see the water....and then we cross the actual trail. The 'rocky' part was gravel and it was so steep my 92 year old Grandma would maybe be winded going up it. Yeah, we took the wrong way.

Anyways, we get to the base and are just standing under the water trying to cool off. Shaun tries to hug me and, again, I shut him down because I'm so hot and gross I don't want anything touching me. So he goes in the hug again and says...

"The water is really cold, and there are people around, so I don't want to get down on my knee, but WILL YOU MARRY ME?"

:) I just laughed and said of course :)

And I will give him points that when we got out of the cold, rocky water he did get down on one knee and asked again :) :) :)

So there is our meeting and engagement story :)

We set the wedding for September 6, 2012 in San Diego. So now the next year will consist of blogging about wedding colors, dresses, favors, and all the fun stuff that comes with weddings!