Sunday, December 6, 2009

Missing: Christmas Cheer

I saw this on PostSecret today and it completely summed up my mood lately. I've been so stressed out with school ((papers, tests, reading, etc.)), applying for programs and lack of money, I haven't been in the best of moods. I can barely pay my bills this month, let alone buy Christmas for all my family and friends. I know Christmas isn't about the monetary things and that we should all focus on caring and helping others, but it's still so frustrating.

In my building's laundry room is a spot where you can leave free stuff for others in the buildings. Most of the time there are only books, but tonight when I was doing my laundry I saw a whole box full of Christmas stuff. Normally I'm not one of those people that get all excited about lights and trees and decorations, but tonight I figured I'd give it a shot. (And it was free so even better!)

I put up the string of lights around my only window and put a few decorations up and realized I was in a better mood. I don't know what changed, but suddenly I didn't feel like cursing the world and going into hibernation until winter was over. Things started to look brighter and cheerier [if that's even a word].

Things aren't bad, they're just stressful, but so is life I guess.

I promise I have more dishes than this. They're just in the sink :)

Lights around my window--and my "kitchen table" that's actually a card table