Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A+ Student--or at least trying

It's been almost a month since I've posted anything and this time it's because I've been so busy! I basically skated through my undergrad years and only did enough to get by but this time I've been studying non stop!! It's crazy that only 3 classes could require so much work and effort. Now I'm remembering why I didn't like school to begin with! haha

The classes have been going great! I took my first test on Thursday and found out today I got a 94% on it!! YAY ME!! I was so relieved! I still have the lingering thoughts of all those papers floating around in my head (not looking forward to it!) but other than that things are going great. I'm looking into another Masters program here at the U in Public Health and will probably be applying to that too. It seems strange for a Comm major to look at Public Health but I'm taking a Health Comm class right now and LOVE IT!! So we'll see...

Work is going fine. The other day some jack ass tried to walk out on his ticket, then lied to my manager, and when she didn't give him a discount he didn't tip me! JERK!! I was not a happy camper...