If you haven't read her books, you should!! She's so sarcastic and such a smart ass, I love it! I've read all 3 books and can't wait til her 4th book ((PRETTY IN PLAID)) comes out in May.
I'm so so excited!! She's not coming to San Diego, but I so plan on driving the hour North to go see her.
Take my advice: read her books! You'll be hooked for life!
So I'm heading back to Utah ((AGAIN!)) this weekend...
My Great-Aunt Lola has been in the hospital since Thursday and it was really scary there for a while. The docs found out she has emphysema along with congestive heart failure (fluid around her heart) and pneumonia (fluid in her lungs)...oh, did I forget to mention she's 89 years old!
Needless to say my family was in a bit of panic over the weekend. My brother drove up on Friday to see her and if things were still looking bad I was going to leave on Sunday and drive up too. Thankfully she's doing MUCH better but I still want to see her and be with my family.
Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up so if you see me in town you'll know what's going on...
You would think that after 3 years I would be over him.
You would think that after 3 years I'd stop thinking about him every day.
You would think that after 3 years I could listen to Edwin McCain without crying.
You would think that after 3 years I would have moved on and found someone else.
Some days I feel good where I am in my life and think that if things had worked out with him then I wouldn't be where I am in my life.
But then there are the other days where all I can think is, "What if...what if we had stayed together and gotten married? Would I be happier? Would it be worth it?"
That's the problem with "what-if's"...you'll never know.
I miss him. I miss seeing him. I miss kissing him. I miss laying down with him. I miss talking to him. I miss watching movies with him. I miss hearing him tell me, "I love you." I miss everything about him-about us.
A lot of people think I'm pathetic and I need a life and should just get over it already. Trust me, I feel the exact same way. If I could stop feeling like this I would. I would give up my life right now to stop feeling this way every day. It's miserable and heart breaking and so incredibly lonely.
I've tried so hard to move on, but it's much easier said than done. Every guy I meet I compare to him. Does he make me laugh like he did? Did I get that incredible feeling like the first time he kissed me? Can I see myself with this guy like I did with him?
I'm hoping that by writing this in the open that I may FINALLY start to get some closure and be able to move on with my life. I'm happy for him and his beautiful family but a part of me will always wish that it was me instead of her.
Today is the dreaded Friday the 13th, which means tomorrow is the even MORE dreaded day of Valentine's Day.
For those of us that doesn't have anyone to celebrate this "wonderful" holiday with, we kindly refer to it as SINGLE'S AWARENESS DAY (aka S.A.D.)Seems fitting enough.
Here's a clip from my favorite movie that describes dating to a T! Enjoy and Happy S.A.D.!
So this weekend I flew back to Utah to surprise my Granny for her 90th birthday. I was so bummed because I had to work and didn't think I'd get to go to her party, but I re-arranged my schedule and booked my ticket Thursday for the party on Saturday.
It was so awesome! Only 4 people in my family knew I was flying out so I knew it would be a big surprise. When my Grandma saw me she covered her mouth and just started crying. She couldn't believe I actually made it. When Granny cries, I cry, so we were both just standing there in tears, but it was still great!
I'm very lucky in my family because I'm the only one that shares a name with my Grandma...VERLIE!! Funny story, on her birth certificate her name is spelled VERLEY, so I asked her about that one day. She said when she got older and had to start writing in cursive she really hated writing the Y so she changed her name to VERLIE....haha I love it!
I'm so lucky to have my Grandma. She's an amazing, loving, caring woman and I couldn't ask for a better woman to be my Granny....
Feb. 2-6 is National Teen Dating Violence Prevention Week. It's extremely to get the word out to teens about the dangers/warning signs of abusive relationships.
Most important, teens need to know that they're not alone and there are others out there that can help them.
Some of you know, many of you don't, that I was in an abusive relationship as a teenager into my early 20s.
I wrote about it awhile ago, but never had the courage to let anyone read it. Yesterday I stood up in front of 400 Freshman&Sophomore girls and told them my story. I had quite a few girls come up and tell me after they thought I was so strong.
I never want another girl to feel the way I felt for 4 years, so I finally published my story....
I don't consider myself a very high maintenance girlfriend. I don't need to have roses sent to my office every week, I don't need to go to the fanciest/most expensive restaurant in town, and I don't need someone around me 24/7. The only thing I really want and ask for is someone to care about me and be honest. Is that too much to ask for?
I'm about ready to call it quits in the dating world, buy myself a puppy, and live like my Aunt Lola the rest of my life. I don't think I have that high of standards when it comes to dating, but it seems like every guy I meet seems to get lower and lower on the date-ability meter. I only have a few simple requests when it comes to the guys I date...
Not married (I still can't believe I actually have to write that) or going through a divorce
No Star Wars obsession ($2,000 for a Star Troopers Costume is a bit extreme!)
Over 21 (I want to be able to drink with a person, not be sent to jail)
Likes President Obama (Obviously)
Likes the Beach...and South Park!
No drug or alcohol addictions (Been there...done that...over it!)
No wolf-worshiping (creepy!)
Isn't abusive, rude, controlling or racist
Loves his family
Good, funny personality
Okay, to me that's a pretty simple list. Not much to look for, right? Well maybe I'm not looking in the right places but I have YET to find someone that fits those qualifications. It's so frustrating! I have a few other things I would LIKE, but not expecting someone to fit everything.
A college graduate (I graduated at 20, so this doesn't seem too far fetched)
Taller than 5'10 (I have issues with people as tall or shorter than me)
Likes country since I LOVE it!
Not overweight, but not a stick figure either (Healthy&average)
Prefer a non smoker, but as long as you don't chain smoke I can live with that
Someone who can cook since I have no clue how to!
So you guys tell me: Am I asking for too much? Or is there really a guy out there like this? If you know him, send him my way :D