Monday, February 2, 2009

Am I just too picky?

I don't consider myself a very high maintenance girlfriend. I don't need to have roses sent to my office every week, I don't need to go to the fanciest/most expensive restaurant in town, and I don't need someone around me 24/7. The only thing I really want and ask for is someone to care about me and be honest. Is that too much to ask for?


I'm about ready to call it quits in the dating world, buy myself a puppy, and live like my Aunt Lola the rest of my life. I don't think I have that high of standards when it comes to dating, but it seems like every guy I meet seems to get lower and lower on the date-ability meter. I only have a few simple requests when it comes to the guys I date...

  • Not married (I still can't believe I actually have to write that) or going through a divorce
  • No Star Wars obsession ($2,000 for a Star Troopers Costume is a bit extreme!)
  • Over 21 (I want to be able to drink with a person, not be sent to jail)
  • Likes President Obama (Obviously)
  • Likes the Beach...and South Park!
  • No drug or alcohol addictions (Been there...done that...over it!)
  • No wolf-worshiping (creepy!)
  • Isn't abusive, rude, controlling or racist
  • Loves his family
  • Good, funny personality

Okay, to me that's a pretty simple list. Not much to look for, right? Well maybe I'm not looking in the right places but I have YET to find someone that fits those qualifications. It's so frustrating! I have a few other things I would LIKE, but not expecting someone to fit everything.

  • A college graduate (I graduated at 20, so this doesn't seem too far fetched)
  • Taller than 5'10 (I have issues with people as tall or shorter than me)
  • Likes country since I LOVE it!
  • Not overweight, but not a stick figure either (Healthy&average)
  • Prefer a non smoker, but as long as you don't chain smoke I can live with that
  • Someone who can cook since I have no clue how to!

So you guys tell me: Am I asking for too much? Or is there really a guy out there like this? If you know him, send him my way :D


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Girl! Now is the time to be picky! Dating is when you are weeding through the guys -- you really do marry who you date, they weren't kidding when they said that. You do.

And you will marry your lowest standard. So if the smoking thing really doesn't bother you -- good, because if that's your lowest standard, you will end up marrying that.

If for any reason -- getting dumped sucks but is cheap! Divorce sucks worse and is costly!

Lisa said...

Haha Annie, you make me laugh. I LOVE reading your blog! It's so fun to read :) Of course you're not asking for too much! I laughed out loud when I read the first one about not being married... that one should be a given! But some guys just don't get it!

♥AnDrEaSeN FaMiLy♥ said...
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♥AnDrEaSeN FaMiLy♥ said...

i think having a pre-determind standard just takes a little longer. like dipping your toe in before you jump kind thing. let it find you! your impatient like me!