Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy List

I've seen this on a few blogs so I'm stealing it from them ;)
It's pretty fun so everyone else should steal it and do it too!!

Andrea's little list of Happiness:

**That first step onto the beach on a warm summer day. Hot sand between your toes, cool ocean breeze blowing through your hair, and the smell of salt in the air.

**Rolling my windows down, cranking the music up, and singing my heart out!

**Making my nephews and "little guys" smile&&laugh.

**Long naps on a lazy days.

**Anything sweet&&tasty...Fudge, cheesecake, my sister's cookies, ice cream.

**Driving up the mountain during the Fall.

**Reaching into a random pocket and finding $1 or $5 bill.

**Being girly! Manicures, pedicures, tanning, getting my hair done. It's fun!

**Taking nice, long, hot showers.

**Jamba Juice. Always!