Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!


*She's never been afraid to "rock the boat". She was one of only 10 women in her graduating law school class. She was the first female County Attorney in Uintah County and has held that post for 15 years!
*She was an amazing single mother! My parents divorced when I was 8 and my Mom took care of us both without ANY financial help from my Dad. Everything we had growing up came from Mom. Then, to top it off, she put BOTH me and my sister through herself again!
*She's a great person to go to for advice. We didn't get along very well when I was in high school, but it seemed like the week I moved to college I was calling her three times a week to talk and ask her advice. She's always tells it how it is and helps me make the best decision I can.
*She's smart...beautiful...intelligent. Basically, she rocks! And...

*She's put up with me for the last 22 years! Enough said :)

There are so many many reasons why I love my Mom, those are just a few I can actually put into words. She's always been there to support me and my sister, and I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

My Mom and I when I was about 4 years old...Wasn't I adorable? lol

Sydney, Mom, and I Christmas 2006.

Me and Mom shopping in Buenos Aires, Argentina in March 2007

My Mom...being a pervert to the statue! haha

Mom, me, and Syd last October in Carlsbad, CA


Lisa Best said...

What a sweet post :) Your mother sounds like a strong & wonderful woman:)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your mother's day post. Your mama is awesome. I have a question, how did you find my blog? I was surprised to see a comment left by you, albeit pleasantly surprised :) Hope you are doing well. I am still figuring out blogspot and wasn't sure how else to leave you a message. Are you still taking your vitamins?

Much love.


♥AnDrEaSeN FaMiLy♥ said...

i love your mom to:)