I've always had the craziest dreams! Even when I was little kid I'd have weird, vivid dreams and I remember the majority of the dreams too!
I had one a few nights ago and can't seem to shake it. I believe that dreams have meaning, not necessarily that they predict the future, but that it's a way for your subconscious to work out every day things.
So here it goes!
I had gotten on a laptop and was checking the internet ((more specifically I was looking at the blog I had just created for teens for my work)) and was looking to see if anyone had left comments on the questions. One of the comments mentioned a father taking his daughter around snakes and I looked down and realized I was totally surrounded by snakes! Somehow we were suddenly in a pool and I didn't want to get bit by one so I was trying to be careful and sneak away from them. I was tip-toeing around them when a black snake started to creep up and was following me around. It kept getting near my leg and would act like it was starting to bite me, but then backed off. I got a rock and threw it into the water, thinking that would distract it and I could run off. I finally got out of the pool but then turned around and had a miniature crocodile/alligator chasing me! So I hurried and ran out of the pool room and realized I didn't have regular clothes because they were all still inside. I peeked back in and saw the crocodile thing thrashing around in the water with my clothes.Then I woke up.
See what I mean about crazy?
I did a bit of research online about symbols in dreams and came across
this site. There are many meanings of snakes in dreams and I actually fit into a few categories and after reading this I have a new insight into my own head!
Snakes as Fear SymbolsGiven that most people do not have firsthand snake experience snakes appearing in dreams can often symbolize a fear of the unknown. They can point to a deep seated
anxiety that something isn't right or a nagging feeling that something is waiting for them, something bad, like a snake in the grass. Is there something going on in your life that you are
afraid of doing simply because you've never done it before?
Snakes as Symbols of WisdomWhile the unknown factor of snakes can engender fear, it may also give rise to feelings of intrigue. Some people and cultures see snakes as exotic and possessing hidden wisdom. This is partly due to their mysterious nature and partly due to one of a snake's more prominent features: it's tongue. In Chinese astrology people born under the sign of the snake are considered extremely wise, sensual, and diplomatic--they have an ease of tongue which makes them able to navigate sticky situations. If a snake appears in your dream it may actually be there using its tongue to impart wisdom that may be
life altering--which brings us to...
Snakes as Symbols of TransformationSnakes shed their skin which is a classic symbol for ridding oneself of what one no longer needs in favor of accepting that which is new. The process of shedding its skin is
not simple for a snake, nor is it so in our waking lives. In nature, snakes become cranky, irritable, and are more likely to bite while shedding their skins. We often react in the same manner when releasing old, worn out lives and situations. We have
grown comfortable with our 'skin' even if that skin has become a source of
irritation. A snake appearing in your dream may very well be telling you that despite the temporary discomfort you must go through, it may be time to
release old relationships, careers, or habits in order to renew and
reclaim your life.