So I wish I could say that I've so super busy that I haven't had time to blog, but the truth is I've been
lazy! haha Mostly I've just been hanging out with my family and friends my last month in Vernal. I haven't spent this much time in Vernal since I graduated high school so it was an interesting experience being back there. Obviously I'll go back there all the time because of my family but I'm SO glad to be out of there and back to SALT LAKE!!
I moved into my apartment on Tuesday and I LOVE IT!! I'm back in my old building that I lived in for almost 2 years. My apartment is much smaller but I'm just happy to be without roommates again! I'm still scarred from my experience in California (1 room...3 girls...NOT a good idea!) My car has her underground parking spot again and I'm only 2 blocks away from school.
Speaking of school- I finally heard back from the U about my residency. And the verdict is...
I GET IN STATE TUITION!!!Oh man you have no idea how bad I was stressing about that! They lost my paperwork so I had to resend everything a couple weeks ago and I just barely found out I got my residency reinstated yesterday!! I was freaking out a little bit.
The only downside is my job fell through so now I have no income any time soon. Today I'm going to apply at every place I can think of and if that doesn't work the U is having a huge job fair next week so that's always an option.
I take the GRE on Saturday and I should be more nervous than I am, but I know I'm going to retake it so I'm not too stressed out. I'm more worried about my classes that start on Monday. I haven't taken classes for 2 years and it will be an adjustment to get back into the student role.
Well I have A LOT to get done today so I should probably get off my couch, turn off Rachel Ray, and hop in the shower...